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College, Career, and Military Readiness
Brownsville Independent School District
708 Palm Blvd. (Suite.209)
Phone: (956) 548-8291

-- Benchmark 1
School Design
Annual training or professional development plan with P-TECH/ICIA and IHE faculty
P-TECH/ICIA leadership meeting agendas and notes
-- Benchmark 2
Target Population
Written recruitment plan
Brochures and marketing in Spanish/English
Written communication plan
-- Benchmark 3
Strategic Alliances
List of strategic partners
-- Benchmark 4
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
-- Benchmark 5
Work-based Learning
Current dated regional high demand occupation list
Aggregate data describing student participation in work based learning as well as percentage of students earning industry certification and credentials by type
-- Benchmark 6
Tutoring and other intervention/remediation program schedules
Calendar of family outreach events
Schedule of regularly scheduled counseling/advisory events and records of completion for these support services
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