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Health Services


The mission of the School Nurses of Brownsville Independent School District is to remove barriers for learning by resolving health concerns, promoting wellness, education, and safety. An optimal healthy lifestyle, physically and mentally, increases excellence in the classroom, reduces absenteeism and assures lifetime success.

Surgical Mask

Alonso Guerrero BSN, RN


Tammie Poling, RN

Care plans and Policies

Josie Medina, RN

E-school and eSHARS

Erika Garcia

Clerical Assistant

Sonia Robertson

Secretary VI

Susana Perez

CPR Trainer

Araceli Fernandez De Lara

Clerical Assistant




Texas Poison Center network 1-800-222-1222 or

Welcome Back Students

Medication Policy Form 



Letter to Parents 



Food Allergy Form 



Food Allergy Plan


Special Diet Form



click here for more information on Immunization

 Requirements for 2020-2021


Fight the Flu 
Influenza, also known as the flu, is a very contagious disease that spreads through droplets made when people with a flu cough, sneeze or talk, and others breathe in these droplets or touch surfaces where the droplets landed. Click here to learn more

Combata la Gripe 
La influenza, o gripe, es una enfermedad muy contagiosa. Se transmite a través de las gotitas que la gente enferma de gripe expulsa al aire al toser, estornudar o hablar. Cuando los demás aspiran las gotitas, o cuando tocan superficies donde estas cayeron, se contagian de gripe. Oprima aquí para aprender más. 

For More Information on Heart Attacks and Strokes Please Click on the Images Below
For more information on the Coronavirus please click on the images below 

For More Information on Vaping please click on the images below


Click on the image above for more on information on the CDC Healthy Schools Initiative 

All students must be immunized against certain diseases or must present a certificate indicating that, for medical or religious reasons, the student should not be immunized. State law requires the following immunizations: Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Rubella, Haemophilus Influenza Type B, Varicella, Hepatitis A and B, and MCV. 

The immunization requirements involve different student age groups. For specific information, you should contact your personal family physician, the school nurse, or BISD Health Services at 548-8191. 

Proof of completed immunizations should be provided to the school nurse before the first day of school. 

Parents of BISD students will be advised if any immunization is due. It is recommended that all immunization requirements be completed by August 1 and cleared by the school nurse in order to protect the health of our students and to avoid lost instructional time. 

All students entering Brownsville Independent School District for the first time in any grade shall be required to provide evidence of having received a TB skin test with results to Health Services before being admitted to the District

Any student withdrawing from the Brownsville Independent School District for more than 3 weeks out of the United States, shall be required to provide a repeat TB skin test with results to Health Services before being re-admitted to the District. 

There is no exemption for a TB skin test and results. a TB skin test is not a vaccine. The TB test must be administered and read in the US.

Click on the singing walrus to view a hand washing video 
Nurse Checking Girl

For more information on the Great American Smoke-Out please click on the side link

Definition of school nurse based on the Texas Administrative Code 
“ A school nurse is an educator employed to provide full-time nursing and health care services and who meets all the requirements to practice as a registered nurse (RN) pursuant to the Nursing Practice Act and the rules and regulations relating to professional nurse education, licensure, and practice and has been issued a license to practice professional nursing in Texas”. 

Roles of the School Nurse: 
• Collaborates closely with the campus principal, school counselor, teachers, parents, food service staff and other staff to provide leadership to ensure a healthy school environment and assist in meeting the health needs of the general school population and those students with identified health conditions; 

• Provides direct care utilizing professional assessment skills, the nursing process and established school health protocols; 

• Initiates and maintains accurate student health records, including immunization records, medication administration records,
individual student treatment records, and individualized student health care plans (IHPs); 

• Establishes effective procedures for carrying out mandatory screening programs and submitting required reports; 

• Communicates with parents regarding individual students and serves as liaison between school personnel, the family, health care professionals, and the community regarding health issues; 

• Contributes to the campus communications to parents and the local community regarding health issues; 

• Attends Admission Review & Dismissal (ARD) meetings of students with identified health needs, and develops the IHP; 

• Collaborates with the district personnel, including school psychologist/special education diagnostician regarding the implementation of health-related individualized education plan (IEP) goals and services; 

• Educates faculty and staff as needed on health-related topics; 

• Develops and recommends campus policies and procedures to promote the health and wellness of students and staff; and 

• Supervises, trains and evaluates LVN’s unlicensed diabetes care assistants, other unlicensed assistive personnel, or other school personnel as designated by the campus principal to have responsibility for assisting students with health needs.

Campus Care Announcement:

The Campus Care ( BCHC Clinica 22) located at 2137 E. 22nd Street/ 191 E. Price Rd., Brownsville, Texas 78520, provides primary and preventive health care services only to students enrolled at Brownsville Independent School District.

The Campus Care Clinica 22, provides medical services that include, but are not limited to: physicals, screenings, diagnosis and treatment of simple and chronic illness, laboratory testing, counseling, referrals, vaccinations and TB testing. 

In order for a student to be seen at Clinica 22, it is necessary to have a medical referral from your school nurse.  For more information or appointment please contact Campus Care Clinic 22 at

(956) 838-6604.

Click on the image Below for more information

Click on the image Below for more information


Click on the image of the clinic for directions 

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