Employee Benefits Committee 2017-2018
August 22, 2017
Questions and Answers
Skinner ES ~ Skidmore
If an employee was hired last year with a salary of 70,000 and is currently paying 50.00 per month toward health insurance, will this employee continue to pay only 50.00 or if option 3 is approved, will they now pay the new monthly fee, which is 100 pre-tax.?
As of this time, only employees hired on or after January 1st are paying for their health insurance. (There are only 40 new hires contributing.) For said employees, their salaries will be reviewed annually and adjustments will be made based on their new annual salary. An employee earning $70,000 will pay $100 per month (the equivalent of $80 pre-tax).
Skinner ES ~ Skidmore
I am confused about the difference between salary based contribution and the annual premium in option 3 for the high and the state plans. In the example, the employee would still be paying 600 yearly and then on top of that an additional 1800 something?
Salaried based contributions means everyone (previously grandfathered) will contribute based on their annual salary. The high and state plans have a monthly premiums for better benefits, such as lower copays, lower co-insurance maximums, etc. The monthly premiums for the high and state plans will not change; except the Employee & Spouse and Employee & Family (if approved by the Board of Trustees). Please be reminded Employee & Children WILL NOT change.
Skinner ES ~ Skidmore
Will the monthly contribution be based on the base salary or will extra duty pay, such as tutorials be included, as this can impact salaries from month to month?
The monthly contribution is based on your annual salary. Your extra duty pay will not be considered.
Palm Grove ES ~ Treviño
It was mentioned at a previous EBC meeting that the district has no obligation to provide insurance to spouses…. Considering the extreme costs to the district that they are accruing, wouldn’t it make sense to not cover them and have them get coverage through their employer or from an outside agency?
If the Board of Trustees approves the EBC's recommendation to exclude spouses, BISD can add a provision to do so. I suggest you bring up this request and have the EBC vote on this provision.
Palm Grove ES ~ Treviño
An employee is asking if it is possible to waive her insurance coverage altogether if the Income based contribution passes?? She is/can be enrolled with her husbands insurance.
Yes, employee may waive her insurance coverage altogether. Open enrollment takes place in September.
Stillman MS ~ Garcia
Are there any options that affect non-salaried or hourly employees? Or, are options 1-5 strictly for salaried employees?
Options 1 and 2 addresses the current deficit for the Employee & Spouse and Employee & Family category - 9% of employee will be affected. It does not take into account whether the employee is non-salaried (hourly) or salaried. Option 3 / 4 address the cost-sharing effort with every insured member. Option 5 provides the flexibility to have the employee and spouse on different plans; both are subjected to the plan's premiums, copays, deductibles and co-insurance maximums.
HR Departments ~ Amaro
(Provide)... more information on the virtual medicine avenue? Maybe this is the way to hold over-utilization at bay and cut the waiting time to see a doctor.
Virtual visits or telemedicine is a relatively new concept where convenient medical care, non-emergency, can be provided using technology (internet and computers / mobile devices). For additional information please click on the following links: Virtual Visits, Video and Virtual Visits FAQ.
C&I Departments ~ Marhoun
Why does the District not adjust the insurance year to the calendar year? This would help employees who may want to compare the cost of insuring dependents through the exchanges vs. BISD insurance.
BISD is a self-funded insurance plan; therefore a change in calendar may be implemented if approved by the Board of Trustee.
C&I Departments ~ Marhoun
I have been asked why the District is not considering a percentage of each employee’s income (salary and other taxable income such as extra duty pay, stipends, etc.) rather than a fixed amount over brackets that seem quite broad? Fifty dollars a month for a newly hired clerk has much more impact than for someone making just under $47,000 and the lower paid individual is paying a higher percentage of their income than someone at the top of the bracket . The percentage of contribution might even be varied by bracket so that higher paid individuals contribute a higher percentage.
It is difficult to include the "other" taxable income when determining a premium because it varies from month to month. Secondly, another tier has been added to alleviate the financial impact form employees earning less than $25,000. Their premium, if the salaried-based contributions is approved will be $25.
Main Building - Hernandez
Where can I find an urgent care clinic in Brownsville?
Boys & Girls Urgent Care - 5005 IBC Circle, Brownsville Texas 1-956-350-2273
Brownsville Urgent Care of Pediatrics - 2050 North Expressway, Brownsville Texas 1-956-621-2883
Urgent Center LP / Pain Relief Center - 1100 North Expressway, Brownsville Texas 1-956-504-3200
Valley Med - 2534 Boca Chica Blvd, Brownsville, Texas 1-956-546-2000